

Assembley and Preparation 


Available with all painting levels and provides the following: Removal from sprues, cleaning, gluing, gap filling, barrel drilling and priming. 


I prefer to source the miniatures for your commission as this removes the possibility of damage during transit. and saves you further costs for onward shipping to me. 

There is no extra charge for this and you will only pay what I have paid to buy them in myself.

However, if you already have the miniatures you can pay to ship them to me.


Painting Levels


Level 1 - Feud

My entry level designed to have your army painted and on the tabletop quickly


Level 2 - Melee

Melee level allows for more detail to be individually coloured and key details such as the face given more attention

Level 3 - Skirmish

At skirmish level all elementswill be individually painted and faces will be fully detailed and highlighted. Effects can be added to weapons such as power swords

The three tiers are only intended as a guide as to what I can offer, specific requirements will be discussed prior to providing you a quote. 

*Two further higher levels of painting, Battle and All out Waaaagh, are planned for the future.'

Basing will be appropriate to the painting tier requested. This will be discussed as part of your brief.

All mini's will recieve two coats of varnish, satin then matt unless otherwise requested.